Georgia's Seeking Thrills
Album Review Teddy Eisenberg Album Review Teddy Eisenberg

Georgia's Seeking Thrills

Georgia’s sophomore release on Domino Records, Seeking Thrills, is a love letter to dance music that boasts a track list so packed with quality songs that it plays like a greatest hits collection. It is as sonically complex and emotionally dense a pop album as you will find in music today, anchored by immersive electronic textures and addictive rhythms.

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Primal Scream's Screamadelica
Album Review Teddy Eisenberg Album Review Teddy Eisenberg

Primal Scream's Screamadelica

To be human is to yearn for transcendence. We desire it as a means of connecting and experiencing something greater than ourselves, sometimes as a means of escaping the confines of our current reality for another one entirely. As I move into the latter part of my 20s, dance music has emerged as my primary means of chasing that otherworldly feeling.

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